Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I Feel I Accomplished Something-Jan 31 Posting

Yes, the UE page 122 is worth the try and practice. I always wonder how Melissa Davis did her macro with B&W and black background till I read this page and voila! I found it, but we need to practice.

You have no idea how I feel accomplished today. I know that our theme this week is Sports and its Superbowl week too. I want to take pictures of Downtown Chicago with all the Bears decoration all over but its 9' in the morning with a high of 20'.

No Way!

So I think I'll just take pictures of my golf clubs later. Tonight, I read the Scott Kelby book, and I know that I am repeating myself. But I just love the book. I finally understand how to adjust in Raw and not just eye the picture. You know, look at the max exposure you can go without losing details, yadah, yadah, yadah.

I even changed the color of her eyes to dark brown for which it truly is. It loss its color due to lack of natural light, but fixed it. The crowd in 2peas still has the most amazing information of eye pop technique, thank, Kriztina! love her technique, I haven't tried Teya yet.

But tonight I feel I have accomplished something. I didn't know that Adobe Bridge can even look the RAW file. I am that pathetic.

I hope everyone is okay. HHCC for me. I hope you can link me too for technique to trim the eyebrow. This girl told me that she gets teased with her eyebrows, and to my dismay, I can't do it. I tried patching, to no avail. I don't know what to do.

Exposure Information:

Nano--ISO 100, f/5.6, SS20, hand held, I was trying to get away with it. I know its not that sharp but the background is black, the wall's original color is yellow. The nano is on top of the TV with sidelights. No photoshop adjustment on this one just resize for blog posting.

My model--ISO 800, F/5.6, SS80, Hand held. I was struggling with light. I adjusted the noise thru RAW bec. that's what I was trying to learn today, using all the tabs with RAW.

Thanks, Peas!

Page 122 of UE by Bryan Peterson

I always want to try the Special Technique that Bryan Peterson wrote in his book, Understanding Exposure. This help in darkening the background. I always wonder how they focus on a macro by darkening the background. Well, here it is, my first try.

My first reading was at SS125, this show all the shadows and tones, the white balance is blue but you can always fix that, you just need the balance reading, I then deliberately underexpose it by picking SS640. Thus, the result. Didn't do much on photoshop but just adjust a tad on the exposure to -1.0 but thats about it. I intend to do a dramatic shadow, with just focusing on the Ribbon and the hazel eyes.

Thanks for looking and HHCC on this. BTW, I bought the Photoshop CS2 by Scott Kelby. I'm just reading it right now and its 3am, got up and read a bit, I need to get back to bed.

Good Morning, Peas!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Finally I'm Back and Flowers for YOU!

I am just done working Saturdays. So now I can focus more on Photography. I've been visiting daily captures sites but no time to even take pictures.

Last Christmas, I got a 55mm 1.8 lens. Being me, I was so excited to use it. First stop, macro photography. Inside me, I said, how hard could it be, you take a picture of a flower.


Now I have high respect, and I mean, higher than higher to those who do macro photography. Its hard!!!! just using f1.8 DOF. Are you kidding me?!?! it takes a lot of practice to focus. I don't even know if this picture is in focus, but oh well, I will try again next time.

I did backlighting on this. I love backlighting, it saves you from buying a white backdrop. Metered the flower at SS of 160, I back off and shot, of course my histogram is in awful shamble but thats how they said to do backlighitng with the subject in clear picture and the background all white.

Exposure Information:

ISO 100, F3.5, SS 160 to 200. If I go 250, its so dark.

Please give me additional tips, if you have one. Thanks for the help, Amanda.

BTW, I got a Scott Kelby Photoshop book for my 30th Birthday last January 22, and I tell you, its awesome, a person like me can even understand instruction from this book, I can't help but rave. Notice I did a watermark on my pictures now. WOW, I am so impressed with myself. I can't help it. This book is awesome.

Thank you for looking, Peas.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Freezing and still no Kids

I don't have kids. But I love taking pictures of them.

What I usually do is asked the neighbor's kids to come over and I'll take pictures. In return, I give the a copy of the picture they want and a low resolution of the picture to put in their My Space. I meant to send the girls a notice last Thursday but kept putting it off and lastnight when I got home from work(I have to work Saturdays, the whole month since its Audit Season), we have to go to the grocery and got home at 9:30pm. I sent a mail but I don't think the kids will be available.

So here is another shot of the house. I want to take kids pictures. I love children photography. I love the challenge of it than taking pictures of trees and mailbox or a faucet(LOL!!!).

Good thing this is Daily captures, right? or I might get kicked out of the group.

Its freeezing cold here in Illinois. I woke up 7am and rushed out to go to the golf course to take "Nature picture" but it was raining, frustrated I just picked up the paper on the driveway and looked at the mailbox. I rushed backed inside and got my camera. So here you go, a picture of a mailbox.

I need to borrow one of Amanda's kids. But she lives in Idaho. I wish I can take pictures of kids right now. Hopefully, next week. I'll make it a schedule to inform them.

HHCC on the pictures. I promise to take more pictures of kids.

And no, I'm not ready to have a baby yet. LOL!
Exposure information---
ISO400, SS 160, F/8. Want a depth of field shot on this one. WB is at 11500,adjusted curves and level. Tint at +22, exposure at +1.7, shadows at 11, saturation at +1, contrast +41.
I love taking pictures with raw especially still life or nature. Its so easy to manipulate. Thanks for looking.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Reflections of Me

When we went to Kohler's in Wisconsin, we visited the showroom and I tell you, you'll see the the best bathrooms money can buy. I just wish I am filthy rich so that I can afford those kinds of bathroom. While we we there, of course, you see everything shiny with crummy lighting to set the mood, them means its a struggle to take descent picture. I just have to figure out noise reduction or just finally give in and buy the Noiseware.

The only thing on our list that we can realitically afford is a chopping board worth $72. Just imagine how much the rest cost. My dream shower is worth $7,000 without the installation and that also means that money is not an issue when you take a shower since the water is like Niagra when it pours.

I took some reflection shots at the faucet section. Hope everyone will have a wonderful weekend. Sami, thanks for the badge.

HHCC for me, Peas. Thank you so much for visiting my Turf.
Exposure Information:
All are in Jpeg format.
Picture 1--ISO 1600, SS80, F/5.6, Played with levels, curves and Saturation.
Pictures 2--ISO 1600, SS125, F/5.6. Levels and curves adjustment.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Let me Tell You Why I Pursued Photography

HHCC to me, I cry in the Shower!!!! hahahaha!! Kidding~~~ HHCC to me(Seriuosly), I would love to enhance myself. I need to learn layering too, my workflow is so boring.

I went to a 6 weeks photography class in our community college here in Joliet, Illinois, when I got married and I tell you, its hard to be a photographer. I started learning in film, so just imagine all the exposure and settings that you have to memorize. I didn't know that not only you have to memorize exposure and situation. You have to train your eyes on how to look at things. When my husband bought me my Rebel XT, its another animal to learn about, white balance, recompose, catchlights. It was easy to catch up if you understand F/stop and Shutterspeed, all others I'm still getting to know my camera.

The first time I held a DSLR and used it without formal classes, I always say, "I don't like this kind of camera, they are blurry when you take picture, I think its broken!"


Its not broken, I just don't know how to use it. But human nature, we always blame the camera, or if we take good pictures, people will say, "Oh! because you have an expensive camera! thats why!"

After my six week class, my coworker asked me to take picture of her horse since she wants her to join the christmas critter photo contest, I didn't use a DSLR on it, I use a point and shoot camera and manual took picture, guess all exposures. My friend submitted it and it won--

Grand Prize.

I'm trying to look for my picture, but I can't fnd it. My husband told me that it crashed, I can't access my walgreens album right now and I can't find the newpaper where it was published. Its nothing fancy, the horse won horse food and gift certificate from a pet store.

I got the bragging rights.

Her name is Winnie, and I tell you she is every photographer's dream animal to take picture, she doesn't move at all. My friend calls her, Tyra Banks of Horses.

Exposure information---
Top Picture, ISO 100, F/8, SS200, WB 5750, adjusted curves and level, did a little cloning on the eyes since its has some dirt but thats it.

Bottom picture, ISO 100, F/400, F/8 WB 5700, adjusted level and curves, also did some cloning on the eyes.

Everything is handheld, since it was bright sunny day and I can manage to get my shutter speed above 60. I did an F/8 on this since its horses and I'm scared that if they move I won't be able to capture enough focus or depth. I was just playing it safe. All pictures are taken in RAW, much easier to manipulate. Thanks Peas!

Monday, January 08, 2007

The Giving Tree

I took this picture at 5am in the morning, with a 30' degree weather in Illinois, not counting the wind factor. No gloves, no earmuffs. I just rushed outside not thinking about getting myself warm and prepared. Its the californian in me I guess. I lived here in Illinois for 2 years now and I still haven't learned how to zip up my jacket when I get out of the house.

The first place I want to take my picture was frosted, there was no nice angle that I can find. I felt frustrated, drove home and worried. I thought "My first week for my Daily Capture and I can't even get one picture!". Driving home, I saw a flock of birds sitting on the electric wire post all line up, I was so excited. I stopped the car very quietly and change my lense, I have a 55mm mounted and the 300mm is a better choice for this picture. When I looked up, all the birds were gone.


Now I really got frustrated,"What am I going to do!?! Dear God, I know your busy but please help me." Then I looked around and saw the birds on the tree and I smiled, yes, they were asked to pose on a different setting, this time picture perfect. Took my shot.

And this picture I call the Giving Tree.

Exposure information---ISO 100, SS 8, F/8. I used a tripod on this one. Adjusted the WB to 31000 since its original image has a blueish tint on it, adjust on the curves and level. Thank you for looking.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

We're taking the Christmas decorations down. I love the Nutcracker dolls, do you call them doll? Anyway, we are storing them and before doing that I just have to take my pictures of them.

I did backlighing on this one. I placed the Nutcrackers on top of the dining table, opened the door from the kitchen, the light is behind the Nutcrackers. Set my tripod and my exposure. I'm trying to remember my note on Backlighting, partial metering, meter the subject, doesn't need to be in focus, when you read the meter, maintain that meter reading, position yourself and make the composition with the same meter reading you have or underexpose. Right now since I am still starting, I try to do bracketing and try different exposure and then analyze it later.

Exposure information-- ISO100, SS 8, F/5.6. Used a Tripod, I do not have a steady hand. Time I took the picture was 4pm in the afternoon.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

About Me (100 Things You Should Know)

Exposure Information and Behind the Scene---
ISO 100, F/5.6, SS25, with Tripod. It's not sharp because I just press the timer and jump in. I still don't know how to focus and jump. I have to read Brenda's tip on this one. I didn't comb my hair, I just got back from the grocery. If you have any tips for self portrait please leave me your link. Photoshop info-- shot using raw. WB at 5250, took the saturation down, adjust level and the curve. I know its not that fancy. I really need to learn layers and action workflow.

Thank you, Amanda for inviting me to do this one. I think its exciting than writing an essay about yourself. A list is better. I will visit different blogsites so that I can get to know everyone. For some reason, I just feel that you get to picture everyone and not just guess. I tend to guess about people's personality when I read 2peas reply. I'm most curious of Mar because Mar always gives a helping reply at 2peas. Mar, I hope you write your 100 things about yourself.

  1. My hair is black.

  2. I’m 5’2 ½ (and I am sticking to that measurement, the half inch matters!)

  3. I have natural tan. I just stay in the sun for 20 minutes and I get a tan (I hate it)

  4. I'm left-handed.

  5. I can only write in print.

  6. I hate my full lips when I was growing up. Thank goodness Angelina Jolie happen.

  7. I experience a long and horrible awkward years. It started when I was 9 and ended when I was 20.

  8. I’m size 0 ( work hard to get to this size because before I was double 0 and I eat a lot)

  9. I’m an honor student starting when I was in 4th grade till I finish college.

  10. I’m an Accountant by Profession.

  11. I found out that I love photography when I was 7.

  12. I love going to my Dentist.

  13. I love Flossing

  14. I love my hair stylist.

  15. I want to be a Cashier when I was a kid.

  16. I eat 1 and a half cup of rice at least during a meal.

  17. I get so crabby if I am hungry.

  18. I love eating.

  19. I am addicted to Golf.

  20. Photography is my Passion.

  21. I shot high 50 on a 9 hole on my 8 month in golf. I started playing 14 months ago. ( I finally found my sports)

  22. I didn’t have a boyfriend till I finished college. (My mom told me that she owns me and that means I have to do what she said if I want to maintain my fashion status.)

  23. I planned my wedding when I was sixteen. (hahaha! I sound like a desperate teenager, read #22).

  24. I stop reading romantic novels when my first boyfriend broke up with me. Not all you read will happen to you.

  25. I want to marry a guy whose last name should start within the first 5 of the Alphabet. (My maiden name starts with V, you have no idea how hard it is,
    I was planning to change that rule if I am still single at age 30.)

  26. I want to marry someone who doesn't work on the same field as I am. (I am NOT PICKY!)

  27. I met my husband on the internet, Yahoo IM to be exact, he just popped out my screen while I was working(hey, hey, hey, there were no known stalkers/or perverts at that time—2001)

  28. We were friends for 4 years before he asked me to be his Girlfriend. (I played hard to get, really hard to get---Hahahaha!).

  29. I married my friend. (Awwwww).

  30. I got married at 28.

  31. I am scared to have kids, but opening to the idea now that I am dealing with kids due to Photography.

  32. I stand up against bullies.

  33. I hate watching Horror movies. The idea of watching a movie is sit back relax and enjoy, so why watch Horror??!?!

  34. I cry on almost every movie I watch.

  35. I don’t swear anymore. I stopped swearing when I was 22.

  36. I don’t like people raising their voice on me when they are angry. I get nasty when people do that.

  37. I always fix my/our bed. (That’s reflex for me.)

  38. I love open windows. Unfortunately, my husband loves it close. I live in a cave.

  39. love purses. Two of my purses cost 1 DSLR. That’s when I was single. All the money I wasted.

  40. I love watches. I have 10 watches right now.

  41. I want to own an Omega watch before I get pregnant.

  42. I love to cook.

  43. I love doing laundry.

  44. I hate folding clothes.

  45. I hate ironing clothes.

  46. I can't seem to organize my side of the closet.

  47. I love showers.

  48. I take a shower for at least 30 minutes, longest 1 hour and half.

  49. I love singing in the shower.

  50. I love drinking water, 8 glasses a day!

  51. I don't like don't like soda.

  52. I don't like drinking alcohol. I don't like the feeling, I get a headache.

  53. I like people watching.

  54. I have different group of friends and don't let any of those group meet up. I want to have different worlds.

  55. I am proud of my friends. I am picky with friends. Its better to have one that you know well than having 25 and cannot trust them.

  56. I love dancing.

  57. I love Disco Music.

  58. Fun doens't need to be expensive. That is one of my mantra.

  59. My comfort food is sticky rice and soy sauce, thats it.

  60. I pray every single moment I can get. I even pray for a parking spot. I know God is busy, but He also said that he wants to feel needed.

  61. I hate cellphones. The phone is there at my convenience, not the caller.

  62. I dictate the lenght of time we talk over the phone. I don't like talking long over the phone. Can we just meet up?

  63. I love writing letters. Thank you Internet.

  64. I love watching movies.

  65. I love shopping by myself.

  66. I love Sushi. You have to let your date spend money, Learn to eat Sushi!

  67. I love a good sale, and I mean good Sale.

  68. A Pro Golfer gave me a Birdie Ball. (He's one the the PGA Rookie of the year). Some women win Beauty Queen Trophy, I got a birdie ball during a recent PGA Tournament, I feel pretty that day, but the next day is another day.

  69. I didn't play golf till now because I hate golf fashion 15 years ago.

  70. My stuck up age is 21. Thats when I blossomed. I felt comfortable about myself. big lips and everything that comes with it.

  71. My marriage is like the "Mad about You" sitcom. Yes, we are like that. My friends wish they are a fly in our house since they can't stop laughing when my husband and I talk. They think we're hilarious.

  72. I often answer back.

  73. I love my married life.

  74. I am so bad at assembling things.

  75. I am not a tech person. I make things complicated.

  76. I told my husband that I want to die first. I don't know what to do with all the remote controls in the house.

  77. I hate reading instructions in a box.

  78. I hate plane ride. Come on, I hope floss Powder (Harry Potter) happen, or time machine.

  79. I love Austin Powers movies and I mean all of them! (yeah, Baby)

  80. I love watching TV.

  81. I love my age now. 29 is good, you can handle your feelings now.

  82. I love to do my own facial. I have my own blackheads extractor.

  83. I do my own pedicure. Saves me a lot of money.

  84. I love wearing shorts short.

  85. I go to sleep at 10pm. Lights off.

  86. I don't like staying late.

  87. I don't like to go clubbing. I did that for 1 year when I was 21 and it became an errand to me.

  88. I love waking up at 4am on weekends.

  89. I don't like cleaning the house, but I want it to be neat.

  90. I want my kitchen to be clean. Its always clean.

  91. My whisper can be heard by at least 10 people. (You get the idea, how loud I am)

  92. I love Blondes. There is just something about blondes. I adore Heather Locklear. I love Brad Pitt and Robert Redford.

  93. Beauty to me is not the looks but how intelligent a person is and how kind and down-to earth they are.

  94. I hate Gardening.

  95. I am lazy working out. I need to join a group fitness class to get motivated. I'm out of shape.

  96. I don't understand football. Why do they want to get hit and get hurt for a ball?!?!?

  97. I am not good at interior designing. I have to ask my mom to do that for me.

  98. I have good taste in picking paint color.

  99. If I start to liking something, I do it over and over then I get tired of it and stop. Talking about killing things. (My husband begs me not to go to his favorite restaurant because I might kill it.)

  100. I love the women I am getting to know in Photography. I am thankful that I am chasing my passion. this time it will be at my terms.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

First Capture

This is the picture that makes me smile and realize how fun life is if you treat it like a child.

I went to see competitive gymnastics and witness how competitive gymnasts live their life, how their parents and siblings support and help them with their dream, its not easy. The waiting, the anticipation, the looks of frustration, the pain, I see all this things that day, and I can’t help but be impressed. Their life is centered to their passion.

My friend’s daughter is a Level 9, one level away from going to the Olympics, if she won’t get in the team and remain a Level 9, a full college scholarship to at least the top 10 university in the nation is the consolation, not bad, if you ask me.

It’s stressful to watch and I found relief taking pictures of beginner gymnasts who have no cares of winning, just performing and having fun. Know nothing about beating anyone, just have fun. The first thing we learn in life, and we seem to forget about it.

Photo Information and what I did---

Its at the McCormick Place in Chicago, Crummy, crummy lighting, and I assure you, crummy crummy lighting. No flash photography, of course, for the safety of the kids while they perform and I mean they will confiscate the camera.

I used my 300mm lense, Canon, XT, Exposure for all the photos is f/8, SS60 to125 at ISO 1600. How can you take a descent sports photography photo on situation like this? I hope someone will give me an idea.

Thanks, Peas!

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