Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I Turned

And I saw this. (check the reflection on the glasses, the other girl was posing!)

I was busy taking pictures of H's friend when I looked backed to check out H, she was busy looking at the photo shot, then I saw a reflection. I took a shot and got this one. You just love those moments. I can't wait for the girls to be off from school so I can practice more. I promise H that I'll make her a portfolio from all her photo shoots from me at the end of the summer. She's is quite excited about the whole idea, I think that's a little thing to do from all the help that she has done for me, aside from asking her friends to come over and have a pictorial with her. It's like a bouquet of flowers everytime they ask me if I can take their pictures.
Exposure information:
F/2.5, at 600SS, at 100 taken at 6:30pm.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

I'm getting a Hang out It

Shooting wide!!!!
I love it...I still struggle with the focusing but I'm enjoying learning. I really have to learn where to put the focus on especially if you try to take a shot of a moving subject.

You always think that you know better than your model especially the first timers but S totally taught me one nice thing about shooting, for tweens, you have to give them an instruction to move and change poses slowly.

Chin down.
Look Intently at the lens.
Let your hair play with the wind.

Then then I asked her to move her head to the rght...she did, very slowly, it was beautiful! One day I want to get the chance to take pictures of models. I want to know how it feels to just shoot and enjoy every moment of it, capturing images that you want, you dream off without thinking or worrying about what to say or giving instruction.
For now, I am happy of where I am. Photographer slash cheerleader slash Teen Self Esteem Booster.

Personally... I love this shot.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My First Open Wide Shot

Rebecca of Pretty as a Picture, took her time to teach me how to take a picture wider than my boring F/5.6 aperture(LOL!)....and this is my first try...focus at the middle of the bridge nose. I don't know how they do this on a child younger than 7, I'm sure it's hard. It's a lot of fun though...I realize that I just have to step farther away. Another Backlighting from me.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

These are 4 months Old

But I just started proofing it tonight. My family session got cancelled since my boss just got the IRS letter and she owes $3000 tax payment. So she decided to forego the session, which is okay with me. Somehow I want to learn how to deal with this, session cancellation due to circumstances such as this, or the client's child got sick. Good thing I don't do this for a living or I might freak out.

White background is such a hard thing to proof and I tried using levels to no avail. Any opinion is very much appreciated.

Thanks for Looking.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I just Have to Post

Claude Monet

Pablo Picasso except the one at the bottom, I just think that the bottom was a cool shot, but that's me(LOL!)

I know I need to post something for the POTD or I might get kicked out! LOL!! Please don't, Peas!

Here are photos from our recent visit at the Art Institute of chicago. If you are a photographer, and of course we consider ourselves Artists, this is like a candy shop...one room is filled with Claude Monet, and yes, I can take pictures as long as there is no flash!!! I was in heaven, and there were a lot of people who were just jealous because my photos were clear compared to them. Ah, the joy of learning natural lighthing, thank you for teaching me, ladies. I saw the "stary starry nights painting" it was awesome. The picassos were just something to die for. One day in your life you should see work of arts like this. They are just the reason why we are here crafting and trying endlessly. They are the True Artist.

So Anyway, I went in the room filled with monet and I exclaimed, "OMG! Claude Monet, Bebe! look at the paintings!" I was calling my husband who was following me. He was at my back and said very matter of factly, "It looks like a photo out of focus!"

Two weeks after, I went to a Nature Photography Workshop, which I hate by the way, the teacher was awesome. I just don't like Nature Photography. I don't like the waiting, the crawling to get a good shot, it's too lonely for me. He said, he slowed the SS to get the soft out of focus touch, a monet-ish touch, AND I SMILED, I realized that despite the fact that my husband is not into photography as me, he knows what he is talking about.

Exposure info, F/5.6, SS 60, at ISO 1600, it was messy, the noise was horibble. But still manage to take a shot. There is really not much to be artistc about when you go to a museum, since everything is just painting on walls, so I try to think on how to not make things boring, and I did some contrasting shots.
Thanks for looking, Peas! I'm studying for my next session, this time a Family session and its one of my bosses at work so I really think I have to study and be inspired, I'm busy lurking at everyones blog to be inspired so I hope you understand why I am not posting that much.
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